Critical grid infrastructure to connect the West
By the numbers
- 732 miles of high-voltage transmission infrastructure consisting of two systems: a 3,000 MW direct current (DC) segment with terminals near Sinclair, Wyo., and Delta, Utah; and a 1,500 MW alternating current (AC) segment from the Utah terminal to southern Nevada.
- $3 billion estimated cost
- Three planning regions in the WECC connected by this interregional system
Project updates
- May 6, 2024: TWE Project construction underway for 2024
EIS websites
BLM and WAPA are joint lead agencies that prepared an Environmental Impact Statement for the TWE Project. USFS was a cooperating agency. Each federal agency has an EIS-related site:
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Federal focus
Federal "Rapid Response Team for Transmission" selects TWE Project
• See Permitting Dashboard page
In the news
"We need to get aggressive on building the electron superhighway. If we are not able to move forward with availability of transmission, we can study the potential of solar and wind and geothermal until the cows come home and it's not going to get done."
- Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, March 2009, in response to questions at a hearing before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources