2011 public scoping archive
As part of the public scoping process for the Environmental Impact Statement, BLM/Western hosted 23 public scoping open houses about the TWE Project in 2011. The meetings were held in Colorado, Utah, Nevada and Wyoming, starting Jan. 25 in Vernal, Utah, and ending March 10 in Baggs, Wyo. In total, nearly 700 people attended the events to learn more about TWE Project benefits, review potential routes, ask questions and provide comments to BLM/Western for their consideration in the Draft EIS. This page includes links to relevant public scoping information as well as copies of handouts that TWE provided.
Maps of proposed and alternate routes for the TWE Project were made available for the public to review both hardcopy and online. At the scoping open houses, the maps were linked to a unique GIS tool that allowed people to connect their comments to specific map locations. |
TWE Project engineering handouts
Constructing a transmission line requires many steps – from surveying and staking the route at the project beginning to restoring land and vegetation at the project conclusion.
A packet of four handouts related to the technical and engineering aspects of the TWE Project was available at the scoping open houses. The packet covers the following topics:
- System reliability requires minimum separation distances
- Three key technology components for the TWE Project
- System alternatives to be evaluated in the EIS
- Typical construction activities related to the TWE Project
TWE Project overview handouts
Who |
What |
Where |
When |
Why |
How |
TWE purchased dozens of ads in key newspapers along the proposed and alternative routes to help publicize upcoming BLM/Western public scoping open houses. These ads complemented the official BLM/Western notifications. The following are four examples.
Supplemental TWE Project information
- TWE news release: Jan. 4, 2011
- TWE Project brochure
- Public scoping meetings calendar
- Weekly meeting notices and additional e-mail updates:
BLM/Western scoping documents
Media contact
Members of the media with inquiries about the TWE Project should contact Kara Choquette, Director of Communications, 303.299.1395
Project benefits
Learn about the significant national strategic benefits the TWE Project is expected to provide.
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In the news
"Renewable energy like wind and solar are a major piece of the climate puzzle, but building a more resilient and efficient electrical grid is critical to our success."
- Patricia Hoffman, Acting Assistant Secretary for DOE Office of Electricity, April 22, 2021